Posted: 09 Feb 2014, 00:45
This post outlines all of the expectations related to this forum.
1. Only Registered Student Users will be allowed access to this forum. Guests may read posts but will not be allowed to create new posts.
2. Only students that register with their FULL NAME will be allowed access to the forums.
3. Students who post inappropriate, obscene or otherwise tasteless material will have their posts removed and a warning will be sent.
4. Students who continue to post offensive content will have their account removed and will be downgraded to "Guest" status.
5. Please keep all criticism both constructive and positive. The goal is not to offend anyone but to improve their skills within Photography.
6. Students who regularly post and provide help to others may receive additional credit for their extra commitment.
7. This website is not affiliated directly with College Sturgeon Heights Collegiate or the St. James-Assiniboia School Division; the thoughts shared within do not reflect the beliefs of either organization.
8. Registered Users are not allowed to Edit or Delete their posts. This ensures that the user accepts responsibility for what they post. If you require a post to be deleted please notify Mr. Rogowy directly.
9. Full Registered access is only available to the students of the PD30S and PD40S course offered at College Sturgeon Heights Collegiate.
10. Please contact Mr. Rogowy directly if you any of the material within this forum is found to be offensive and it will be removed immediately.
Thanks and keep shooting!
Mr. Rogowy
1. Only Registered Student Users will be allowed access to this forum. Guests may read posts but will not be allowed to create new posts.
2. Only students that register with their FULL NAME will be allowed access to the forums.
3. Students who post inappropriate, obscene or otherwise tasteless material will have their posts removed and a warning will be sent.
4. Students who continue to post offensive content will have their account removed and will be downgraded to "Guest" status.
5. Please keep all criticism both constructive and positive. The goal is not to offend anyone but to improve their skills within Photography.
6. Students who regularly post and provide help to others may receive additional credit for their extra commitment.
7. This website is not affiliated directly with College Sturgeon Heights Collegiate or the St. James-Assiniboia School Division; the thoughts shared within do not reflect the beliefs of either organization.
8. Registered Users are not allowed to Edit or Delete their posts. This ensures that the user accepts responsibility for what they post. If you require a post to be deleted please notify Mr. Rogowy directly.
9. Full Registered access is only available to the students of the PD30S and PD40S course offered at College Sturgeon Heights Collegiate.
10. Please contact Mr. Rogowy directly if you any of the material within this forum is found to be offensive and it will be removed immediately.
Thanks and keep shooting!
Mr. Rogowy